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It is with sadness and regret that due to the coronavirus pandemic and associated safety concerns we have had to make the tough but necessary decision to postpone the LARA festival for the time being. We are keeping positive that we may be able to re-schedule at a later date. We will be watching the progress of the virus closely and keeping government guidelines in mind before we announce any potential future date.

We at the LARA team would like to sincerely thank you all for the support and love you have shown to our chosen causes and this event. We are keeping fingers crossed that we will be able to put the festival on at a later date. Please bare with us and please keep in mind the recovery efforts we are supporting even during this time of turmoil.

The most important thing is everybody's safety so please keep clean, keep healthy and follow NHS guidelines for prevention.

Any tickets purchased are transferable or refundable of course so please get in touch if you have purchased a ticket.

If you still would like to support the charities in the mean time. Please visit them at:

Thank you again for your understanding during this difficult time.

Andrea and the LARA team


© 2020 Chris Swirles & LARA (Leicester Artists Relief for Australia). A Charity Fundraising event.

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